Download || Attack on Titan Final Season Hindi Dubbed

 Attack on Titan Final Season Hindi Dubbed

Summary: Willy holds a charismatic and eloquent speech, revealing to the assembled dignitaries that they have been invited to the Liberio Internment Zone, which is a compound filled with the demons who once tried to destroy the world and massacred the people of many nations. Gabi Braun and Falco Grice have been training their entire lives to inherit one of the seven titans under Marley's control and aid their nation in eradicating the Indians on Paradis. However, just as all seems well for the two cadets, their peace is suddenly shaken by the arrival of Eren Yeager and the remaining members of the Survey Corps.

Having finally reached the Yeager family basement and learned about the dark history surrounding the titans, the Survey Corps has at long last found the answer they so desperately fought to uncover. With the truth now in their hands, the group set out for the world beyond the walls.

In Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season, two utterly different worlds collide as each party pursues its own agenda in the long-awaited conclusion to Paradis' fight for freedom.

Credits :
Adnan Shakeel – Willy Tybur
Rajat Thakre – Eren Yeager
Amogh Ashdhir – Reiner Braun
Tarun Saini – Falco

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Attack on Titans is something else. Despite the fact that it has yet to finish a complete adaptation, it has already established itself as a modern masterpiece. Please do not be turned off by the studio change, because I can guarantee that season 4 continues and will continue to live true to the legacies set by previous seasons.


Remember when this show was a simple story about a boy wanting to kill some titans and avenge his mother? Yeah, me neither. Season 4 takes a complete 180-degree turn from the previous 3 seasons of the show. It is no longer about fighting one-dimensional titans, but rather humans themselves. The underlying message is as apparent as ever, drawing onto themes of true freedom, revenge, the power of the state, and sacrifice. Season 4 in essence, transitions from a complex shounen show to a complete seinen, reducing the number of action scenes compared to previous seasons and choosing to take on a darker more mature approach while drawing onto evident parallels from WWII and the Holocaust. The question of who the good guys are is also presented in this show, by showing both sides of the same coin, it gives viewers a refreshing story compared to typical hero-villain scenarios. This complete shift in the plot and story development not only keeps us viewers interested but also leaves room for a ton of world-building and interesting characters.

Rather than focusing on Eren and co. from the previous season, season 4 throws us a few years after season 3 and into the other side of the conflict, taking us to Marley, where we meet characters with the same Eldian heritage who live and work under Marley. These are the people we previously saw as monstrous villains, but the new season dares the audience to sympathize and understand them. As the season progresses, the show continues to go back and forth between the Eldian and Marley side, incorporating several flashbacks and time-skips as the plot moves forward. As a result, this creates a lot of confusion for viewers and makes the story harder to follow. However, this method of directing is genius. While it may be confusing at first, pieces start coming together as the show continues, similar to the method of direction in Steins Gate. The directing also does well in creating suspense and thrilling moments as if the audience were there themselves, all the while indirectly challenging viewers to figure out what happened before revealing the answer later on. Not many shows make you think, but the story keeps you focused and wanting to piece everything together.

Another especially refreshing about Attack on Titans, particularly season 4, is the lack of plot armor. Besides Eren, it is not afraid to throw away character(s) that the show has spent several episodes developing. Not only does this create several emotional moments, but it also goes to show how realistic of an approach that Attack on Titans takes while displaying the cruel nature of war. Friends and comrades who once stood next to you can be gone in a split second. The lack of plot armor also makes the show more enjoyable by making it unpredictable for the audience. Many shows suffer from predictable stories/endings, but AOT does not suffer from this one bit. It keeps you on the edge of your seat while keeping you entertained throughout its course.

Summary: Great story overall, a unique one too. You would never expect it to twist into something like this if you only watched season 1. While darker and more psychological, there are plenty of action and thrilling moments for you to enjoy. It continues to world build at a perfect pace and keeps you guessing every time. AOT does everything in a unique way and does not fall into many shonen troupes that you see. A perfect 10/10 for the story.


Season 4 continues to live up to the expectations set by previous seasons. I was initially turned off by the OP and ED, but they're both songs that will shape into personal favorites after a few times. While obvious, it's awesome that the OP represents the chaotic aspect of the show while the ED represents the depressing and dark mood of the show. The emotions behind each OST brings out the heart-wrenching and badass moments in every scene. Because season 4 makes a significant shift in its atmosphere and delivery, the OST can perfectly adapt to the different atmosphere of season 4. Whereas seasons 1-3 were mainly centered around action and uplifting songs, season 4 is much darker and takes on a more intense approach in its track selection. Another cool thing is that characters also have their respective soundtracks which contribute to the amazing fight scenes. Furthermore, subtle changes like Eren inheriting the war hammer titan theme goes to show the level of detail and precision the directing team can showcase with the soundtrack. I was a bit disappointed to find that the old tracks from seasons 1-3 were not included. But overall, the sound direction did its job in bringing out the emotional moments with minimal faults. (9.5/10)

If you want really good HQ covers of the OSTs PLEASE check out Samuel Kim on Youtube. His arrangements do an amazing job in bringing the tracks to their fullest potential.


Summary: Arguably one of the best parts of the show, the characters in AOT are incredibly developed and unique in their own way. None of them fall victim to typical character tropes that you see in many other animes. Their realistic personalities and respective morals make them feel like real people. Many shounen characters are unreasonably unrealistic and it severs the connection between the cast and viewers, AOT does not suffer from this at all. Furthermore, the balance in power is perfect and nobody is too overpowered to ruin the show. Overall, their realistic traits and relatable personalities only contribute to the fact that AOT has one of the best casts in anime (10/10).


Eren - Eren Yeager, a character who was once seen as a one-dimensional shounen protagonist with numerous amounts of negative opinions toward his character, has not only evolved to be one of the most complex characters in anime, but also one of the best. Very rarely do you see the main character develop as far as becoming the protagonist and the antagonist. Eren, however, evolves to become both. His goals are good, his methods are evil, but if no one has a better idea, then he will become the devil to save his friends. He is a man who's been decayed mentally to accept the harsh reality of becoming a demon to obtain freedom for others. He's a person who has committed atrocious acts and killed countless people. He's a person, like everyone else, who desires to obtain something that has been out of his reach for his whole life.

Reiner - Reiner Braun, the perfect representation of the mental effects of war on a soldier. The perfect representation of someone who believed to be doing the right thing, only to come back dysfunctional and suicidal. Every day, he suffers through his contradictions: the desire to protect Marley and the children he cares about, but wanting to die at the same time for the sins he has and possibly will be forced to commit. The fact that he is nobody special and someone who was not even supposed to be selected for the Armored Titan makes him all the more interesting of a character. Following his return from Paradis Island, his will to live is lost due to his failure as a warrior. He finds salvation in the people around him, vowing to protect his home. His will to live is there, but not at the same time. Season 4 dives deeper into Reiner's background and how he came to become the Armored Titan. While Eren does get all the attention for being one of the most unique protagonists to ever exist, and rightfully so, Reiner is undoubtedly a character who is just as relatable and realistic in every sense of the imagination.

Zeke - Zeke Yeager, the result of a child with unloving parents and a tragic past. Someone who was born solely because of his bloodline. While Zeke may have been depicted as an unsympathetic and mysterious person who controlled the Beast Titan, season 4 delves deeper into his tragic past and continues to gradually develop his motives. What I enjoy about Zeke is not his hilarious beef with Levi, but rather the lesson he brings. Despite all the scheming and cruelty, Zeke is just a child on the inside who wanted to be loved. He just wanted Grisha to love him. He was envious that Grisha appeared to love Eren as his son and not just a tool (which was how Grisha treated him). His belief that Eren was brainwashed represents his frustration and hatred toward Grisha as a result of the bad relationship with his parents. Zeke latched on to the whole idea of being the “savior” of the world by killing all the Eldians because he felt empty. He is a character that represents the importance of not just the responsibilities of parents, but also love.

Gabi - Gabi Braun, one of the most hated fictitious characters as of late, but also one of the most interesting. She is the living embodiment of the effectiveness behind the methods of propaganda and brainwashing. Despite being Eldian, she views people of her race as reincarnations of the devil. She has no sympathy for any of them and believes that their wills are inherently bad. She is essentially the opposite of what Eren is now, and what he used to be like. Her ambition to kill eldians, her desire to prove something to everyone else, her thirst for vengeance. All these qualities parallel the character of young Eren. Despite these traits, she also goes through the same process of maturity as Eren. As the story progresses, her experience results in significant changes to her ideology and personality. Her character emphasizes the importance of experience and finding the truth. Throughout her whole life, she has been, for the most part, fed countless lies from the state of Marley. She blindly accepts these claims to be the truth and falls into the trap of manipulation. When she ventures outside, however, she slowly but gradually changes. Season 4 emphasizes this change in character subtly. While she hasn't completely reformed, I see her character development going as far as to parallel the development of Eren. I look forward to how Gabi will change as AOT comes to an end.

These are the four characters I believe to be the most interesting, but in all honesty, really ALL the characters are unique in their own way. None of them live up to nor fall into stereotypical character troupes, and they could all make up individual stories themselves. It goes to show how much of a masterpiece AOT is, and the cast in this show is no exception in contributing to AOT's inevitable rise to the top.


Excellent job by MAPPA to continue what WIT Studios did in the previous seasons, and maybe even better. The animations fit perfectly into the dark/depressing atmosphere. The facial expressions are exceptionally well done in bringing out the emotions of the characters. You will see a few opinions exaggerating about the CGI, and while I would have preferred it if MAPPA didn't go that route, it isn't as bad as it seems. The CGI won't bother your enjoyment of the show and I found it makes the show seem more "real" with the 3D titans. If you compared the CGI to the likes of Ex Arm or Berserk (2016), it's thousands of times better. Overall, MAPPA did a great job in living up to the expectations that were set by WIT. Many people were worried that the studio change would severely ruin people's enjoyment of the show, but I can say with full confidence that MAPPA has and will continue to pull off the animations of this masterpiece (9/10)

What's missing? (very subjective)

As stated before, season 4 switches everything up compared to its counterparts. Regular titans are now a thing of the past and many of the action takes place between humans and titan shifters themselves. Season 4 tones down on the action and focuses more on the psychological and political aspects of the show (not as much a season 3). Personally, I am missing Erwin in this show. The badass charges, his role as a leader, and his 4D chess plans have been taken out of the equation due to his death. Hange is a great leader, but Erwin was a big part of what made AOT such an emotional roller coaster. The emotional aspects of the show are far from gone, but I feel as if Erwin's removal removes a piece of emotion that AOT provided when he was present. Other than that, I really can't find anything to be complaining about, AOT is truly a masterpiece in the making.


In its final season, Attack on Titan is slowly unraveling itself to be the modern masterpiece of our time. Bringing a brilliantly thought out and interesting story, an awe-inspiring cast of characters, breath-taking animations, and an overwhelmingly emotional soundtrack to the table. Please do not listen to the attention-seeking internet trolls giving this show an eight or below, those scores do NO JUSTICE to this current season. Few anime shows are able to receive respect from the anime community as a whole, but I can say with confidence that AOT is 1000% one of those few. Its capabilities as a show have not only provided great entertainment value for anime fans but have also garnered years of deserved respect in the anime industry: pulling in new fans and changing the negative opinions toward anime. AOT has essentially become the face of anime, and rightfully so. I can't wait for the full adaptation of the show to be complete and witness this amazing journey come to a bittersweet end.


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